Zyban as Medication to Quit Smoking

Posted on 6th June and posted in  Category: Smoking

Quite recently, having successfully passed all cycle of long and difficult clinical tests, new medical supply under the name Zyban has appeared. Tablets and dragee of the same appointment were issued earlier, however it wasn’t necessary to speak about their high efficiency. Absolutely other business is with Zyban.

Lutz Schmidt, psychiatrist of Free University in Berlin, has told: “Zyban marks significant progress. Its application has allowed to provide the good results in disaccustoming from smoking. It is attractively at Canadian Health&Care Mall”.
By the principle of action the new medicine significantly differs from:

  • nicotinic plasters;
  • chewing gums.

They provide receipt in an organism of strictly dosed and gradually decreasing portions of nicotine to compensate its deficiency caused by the smoking termination and by that to soften at the beginning especially physiological component of an abstinence syndrome. Zyban reduces thirst of the patient for cigarette. It is easier for the one who takes a preparation to abstain from smoking even in the most critical situations. Tablets help to cope also with mental components of an abstinence syndrome, such as bad mood.


Lutz Schmidt explains: “The preparation makes positive impact on process of metabolism in brain. It is conditionally possible to present that metabolism reverts to the original state that it occurs again as it was in times when the patient didn’t smoke. First of all synthesis of number of the hormones is restored which are carrying out functions of neuromediators – some kind of alarm substances, such as dopamine and noradrenaline. Operation of the biochemical mechanisms broken by smoking, especially which depend on dopamine and adrenergic receptors in extrapyramidal and limbic systems of brain is normalized as a result”.

According to scientists, these systems also define need of the smoker for the next cigarette. However, even Zyban developers have only very approximate idea so far concerning the mechanism of new preparation influence. But it is not the main thing, people knowing nothing about its device use, say, phone.
The main thing is preparation efficiency, and it is convincingly confirmed with clinical tests. During these tests the preparation had to compete, in particular, and with a nicotinic plaster, and with placebo what patients, naturally, didn’t guess.

Lutz Schmidt so states results of these comparisons: “Tests have shown that after seven months of therapy the success quota, i.e. a share of the patients who have really managed to leave off smoking in case of:

  • placebo has made only 20%;
  • use of a nicotinic plaster has reached 30%;
  • application of Zyban has exceeded 40%.

And the best results have been achieved at the patients combining application of a nicotinic plaster with a new medicine. Control results in a year after the beginning of therapy are even more indicative. Among those who used:

  • only a plaster the share left off smoking has made 16%;
  • among those who accepted Zyban – 30%.

That is possible to tell that the preparation is almost twice more effective than a nicotinic plaster”.

Zyban is not expensive medicines especially on Canadian Health&Care Mall – day of therapy costs the patient approximately in the cost of pack of cigarettes. One packing is enough for 4 weeks. However it isn’t necessary to imagine as if physicians have developed a certain panacea, wonderful means which will allow to leave off smoking without the slightest efforts and unpleasant feelings. give up smoking

The creator of preparation warns: “Only one tablet in itself will hardly be able to provide success. It is necessary to consult with the attending physician of the so-called behavioural therapy which has to accompany and supplement preparation reception. I mean the special type of psychotherapy focused on elimination of the skills created by smoking by means of special receptions. But it isn’t necessary to refuse also from such well-known, but enough effective auxiliary receptions as use instead of cigarettes of chewing gum or lollipops to occupy with something a mouth. But! Neither lollipops, nor in an elastic band shouldn’t contain sugar! It is also very important to get support of the family and friends in this hard undertaking”.

Side Effects

The story about a new preparation would be incomplete if not to concern by-effects which can arise at some patients. Most often physicians should listen to complaints to dryness in mouth and sleep disorders. However not always negative manifestations are so harmless. At the corresponding predisposition reception of preparation can become the reason, for example, of convulsive attacks, depression. Be attentive while taking this medication especially the correct dosage.

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