Introduction Nearly all of the 70 percent of Americans under age 65 who are privately insured receive health insurance coverage through their employers; only 4.5 percent of Americans opt to purchase individual coverage. (U.S. GAO/HEHS- 97-122, p. 22). The development of employment based insurance in the United States can be traced to several factors, including […]

Considerations about HEALTH INSURANCE with Canadian Health&Care Mall

This paper suggests that the initial effects of the 1954 tax subsidy go beyond that of increasing the relative amount of health insurance coverage purchased by decreasing its relative price. The prices on drugs on Canadian Health&Care Mall are lower in comparison with other drug stores. Results indicate that the tax subsidy promoted the growth […]

HOW TAX POLICY SHAPED U.S. HEALTH INSURANCE: The Debate on the Effects of the Tax Subsidy of Employer Contributions

Several studies have attempted to estimate the possible effects of the tax subsidy on the demand for health insurance, but there is little consensus among them. The price elasticity of demand for health insurance is a key factor in this debate. Modern estimates of the price elasticity of demand for health insurance range from Holmer’s […]

Canadian Health&Care Mall about HOW TAX POLICY SHAPED U.S. HEALTH INSURANCE Using the NORC Data

Measuring the Impact of the 1954 Tax Changes on the Health Insurance Market As noted previously, the effect of the 1954 tax subsidy on the demand for health insurance is two-fold. First, it may have increased the number of employers and unions that offered group health insurance plans. Since group insurance is less expensive and […]

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