Canadian Health&Care Mall: Why Impotence?

Posted on 9th April and posted in  Category: Erectile Dysfunction

Impotence is a word which is, nearly the scariest word for any man. And it isn’t surprising, statistically, this phenomenon occurs at 53% of men aged after 50 years, at 48% of men of age group from 40 to 50 years. But you shouldn’t think that this phenomenon is characteristic only of mature age men. Unfortunately, 27% of men in an age category from 30 to 40 years and 21% of men aged from 20 till 30 years also faced an impotence problem. Such a problem is effectively treated by Viagra, Cialis or Levitra ordered via Canadian Health&Care Mall.

sex life

It is important to note that a set of reasons of this disease. At the same time it is considered that psychogenic factors are the reasons of developing of impotence only at 20% of men. Other 80% of diseases are connected with problems of dysfunction of various bodies and organism’s systems.
The most common causes leading to impotence are possible to call:

  • Smoking and continuous alcohol intake. According to the mute frequency of disease developing at smokers is 40% more, than at non-smoking men.
  • The “sedentary” way of life and strong intellectual loadings, are a consequence of the fact that at the people who are engaged in brainwork, impotence occurs for 70% more often than at the men occupied on production.
  • Indirectly excessive weight can influence impotency.
  • Lack of regular sex life, leads not only to impotency, but also to prostatitis, depression, pains in stomach, etc.
  • Increases probability of disease as well regular job by cycling.

However, despite all existing risks of a disease and the menacing facts (in the world there are more than 155 million men who suffers from lack of erection) more than 95% of cases will respond to treatment. There is even treatment of impotence with the help of folk remedies. If you do not rely upon folk and traditional methods you are welcome on Canadian Health&Care Mall.

In spite of the fact that impotence is an illness which will respond to treatment admits to yourself the emergence of the first symptoms not each man is capbale. For this reason only 13% of men address the medical and professional care of the doctor. It is important to note that sad is also a fact that, having seen positive results of treatment, most of men (about 70%) interrupt treatment that is not correct.

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